2XL (2XL Robot, 2XL Robot, 2XL Toy) is an educational toy robot that was marketed from 1978–1981 by the Mego Corporation, and from 1992–1995 by Tiger Electronics 2XL was the first "smarttoy" in that it exhibited rudimentary intelligence, memory, gameplay, and responsiveness 2XL was infused with a "personality" that kept kids focused and challenged as they interacted with the verbal robot2XL Racing is the new freetoplay racing experience that gives racing fans the game they've been waiting for on mobile devices!サイズ ss s m l o xo 2xo;
1歳からのプラスチック製ミニカー 車や飛行機男の子用乗り物いっぱいおもちゃ 人気 ランキング おすすめ 誕生日 プレゼント ギフト バイキングトイズ ミニチュビーズバケツセット16個入 1歳 男 3歳 誕生日プレゼント 男の子 女 2歳 おもちゃ 知育玩具 車 家 乗り物 室内
2歳 誕生日 バルーン 車